Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Collective On FaceBook

We have not had a chance to post stuff here on the Sandbox lately, having been very busy in the world of publishing our daily fishing magazine ( But listening to the president the other night shooting off his clearly inexperience mouth about what it takes to start a successful business actually made me emotional. That is saying a lot. Passion I find easy to invoke; emotions not so easily. But having a college professor whose transcripts nobody in the nation alive or dead has been allowed to see tell me that the success and failures me and my wife have enjoyed (?) and experienced over the 25 years we have been trying to keep our lights on and food on our table were somehow part of a collective pissed me off for three moments. And three more when I thought about it again. And three moments every damned time I think about it or hear it played over and over on the fox network and conservative talk radio.

That the roads were built by union people. That the cops (union, of course) that keep me safe kept me safe (sometimes) were who was really responsible for the successes. Not the late nights. Not eating macaroni and cheap cheese so we could afford to our limited staff. Not mortgage our house to do so. No.


It was the collective made me money. The reason I have a nice house? A generic lottery of some sort that just made me lucky. My successes, when they did come, in fact, came on the back of the working man. The ones who ate steak while I ate Mac and cheese from the dollar store. The ones who were collecting food stamps and taking cash from me on a 1099.

The truth shall set you free...

You gotta hand it to Barack. Here he is demanding that mitt show us his tax returns. The number of people on food stamps (now the equivalent of plastic ATM cards with my account number on them but in the hands of strangers. The guy, with the help of god (with a small 'g') knows who, got the world spinning. The guy in msnbc said his spine was tingling. So, too, were the spines of the nation. Most of the nation. A few of us hoped we were wrong, hoped that what we suspected wasn't true, or like Clinton he would govern from the center. But noooo, not Barack. Barack had transition on his mind. He had global adjustment on his mind. He had the dreams of his communist father on his mind. And now we have it shoved directly up our collective butts. And it hurts.

So here comes another election. An election that is the most important election since the one just before the civil war broke out. More important than taking carter out, it is up to America to remove a tumor. A tumor in the lungs of a once proud country that still has a good amount of people that know you have to do it on your own.

Americans have to do it on their own. Today I learned that to replace the value of her food stamps, a single mother would have to be paid more than $69,000 a year. I do not know about you, but I had years where I made that much money. You do not check out at 5pm and spend the night playing video games for eight-k jobs, you live with them around the clock.

Before you tell me that a single mother has a hard job, ask the president. He will tell you what to do to avoid the punishment of having a baby you didn't expect to spawn. You scrape it alive into a stainless-steel bucket.

Civilization is in trouble. Not America, the whole thing. Because if we go, it all goes. And if we put this man back into the white house?

Over. Over and out.

Make sure your friends are registered to vote. Are you? Is every member of your church registered to vote? More than held the Christians in the nation are not registered, or fail to vote in any given election. Even if you have no intention of ever starting a new company - one that has an 92% chance of failing (like they all do) - at least help us start them. You can do this by getting this man, and anybody at all that thinks like he does about people like me - out of our way.

If you help us, we just might hire you or yours somewhere down the road. Leave this guy in office, and you do not have to even get a job. They will feed you for free. Until they do not need to anymore.


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